Our Supervised Therapy Program offers personalized therapy sessions tailored to your needs at a lower cost than our Layla Therapy service. This program provides compassionate support and effective treatment with postgraduate student therapists with ongoing oversight from our experienced clinical supervisors.
Image of the therapists with their supervisors.
$55 for a 50-minute therapy session. This fee covers supervision, administration, and system costs. Sessions can be submitted to extended health plans for reimbursement.
To ensure safety and high quality care, adults with mild to moderate complexity with any of the presenting concerns listed below are eligible for this service:
ADHD (strategies to manage)
Anxiety (incl. panic, GAD, and social)
Emotion regulation
Depression, sadness, or low mood
Family conflict
Life transitions/uncertainty
Relationship challenges
Sexual or gender identity
Work or school issues
We're unable to support:
Active suicidality
Anger management
Behavioral Addiction
Pre- or Post-Natal challenges
Behavioral Addiction
Sexual abuse/assault (including childhood sexual abuse)
Bipolar (Type I or II)
BPD or related symptoms
Coping with chronic pain or illness
Sexual dysfunction
Skin-picking or hair-pulling
Sleep concerns
Coping with concussion or ABI
Eating disorder
Emotional eating/other eating challenges
Substance use or addiction
Trauma (single-incident)
Trauma (multiple incident or ongoing)
Grief or loss
OCD-related symptoms
Phobia (s)
Personality disorder other than BPD
Other high-risk presentations
Complete our Intake / Eligibility Form.
Sessions are based on clinical need and the duration of the therapist’s placement schedule (current cohort ends around August 2025).
Are Sessions Virtual? Yes, all sessions for this program are conducted virtually.
Therapist Qualifications: Therapists are either completing their Master’s degree or have recently graduated and are on track for registration as a Registered Social Worker or Registered Psychotherapist upon completing their placement with Layla.
Clinical Oversight: Student therapists are closely supervised by Layla’s clinical team of licensed mental health clinicians. This includes regular one-on-one and group supervision, session shadowing, and as-needed consultation.
Receipts for the supervised therapy program are submitted under the supervisor. Please use their name and credentials (found on your receipts) to submit to your insurer for reimbursement.
Your therapist can work with you to get on a waitlist for other lower-cost services if you believe you will need more support after your therapist’s Layla placement ends. Please discuss this directly with your therapist.
Yes! If you have coverage for registered social workers (RSWs), you can submit your receipts for reimbursements from your benefits plan.
Supervised therapists are available for appointments on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday during daytime hours.
Thank you for your interest! At this time, we are not accepting placement students as we have an existing partnership with specific programs. We wish you the best in your search!